Weed Wrangle at Harrison Bay
March 2
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Join a Ranger for a Volunteer Day at the park! We will meet at the A-Frame building near the campground and spend the afternoon removing invasive Chinese Privet from the campground. Please be sure to bring water, wear closed-toes shoes, weather appropriate clothing and work gloves if you have them.
Harrison Bay Star Party
March 9
6:00PM - 10:00 PM
Come join the BAS for the March Harrison Bay Star Party!
We will have a variety of telescopes set up for your viewing pleasure. The Moon will be will be a lovely crescent, and not too bright to drown out the gems of the Winter Sky!
The star party starts at 6:00 pm and should last until 10:30 or so (we'll stay as long as people want to look into our telescopes or the Rangers kick us out ;) .
In the event of cloudy/inclement weather, we will have a program in the Rec Hall beginning at 8:00 pm.
This event is FREE and everyone is welcome! You do not need to bring a telescope (we will provide them), but if you want to bring your own or need help figuring out how to use yours, by all means bring it!
Full Moon Fitness
Around the night of the Full Moon
8:00PM -
For the 4th year in a row, the Rangers of Harrison Bay State Park will be providing fun and exciting fitness events every month around the night of the Full Moon. In the last 4 years, the Park Rangers at Harrison Bay have provided free adventurous events reacting hundreds of participants through Full Moon Fitness!
Full Moon Fitness events include ranger-led opportunities to hike, mountain bike, canoe, and other exciting activities.
Be sure to check out the Friends of Harrison Bay’s Facebook page or Friendsofharrisonbay.org for up-to-day information on Full Moon Fitness.
Full Moon Fitness are Adventure Challenge certified. Learn more about the Adventure Challenge.